If your vehicle was damaged from a hail storm, you are required to contact SGI first if you want to make an insurance claim. Once you have received your claim number then contact us so we can schedule you in!
You need to make an insurance claim through SGI.
A few options/circumstances can arise here:
This might seem a bit complicated, but we do it every day and are happy to help you through the process!
Betterment, also known as depreciation, is a charge some insurance companies pass onto their customers for wearable parts. For example, if your tire is damaged in a collision, you are entitled to a new tire to replace the damaged one but if your tire is partially worn out, the insurance company will only pay for the “new” portion of the tire and expect the owner to pay the difference. Betterment can be charged on tires, suspension, wearable parts, even previously damaged body panels that require fixing under the insurance claim.
PDR or Paintless Dent Repair is a unique way of repairing some hail damage or minor “soft” dents that have not cracked the paint.
All jobs are different and there are multiple factors that will determine the length of time in our shop. We will do our absolute best to give you an approximate timeline for your vehicle repairs. Contact us today for a rough timeline over the phone!
If we have a copy of your package policy, we can correctly determine your deductible, whether you have LOU (loss of use), and if you have replacement cost insurance.
We like to see our incoming vehicles earlier in the day, however, we are incredibly flexible to the needs of our customers!
We will do our best to be flexible and accommodate an after hours pick up or drop off. Let us know and we’d be pleased to help you!